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Restaurant Remodeling Ideas

Sprucing up your restaurant’s image and transforming your dining space is essential for maximizing sales. Apart from enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your establishment, an occasional restaurant renovation is necessary for improving the functionality of your restaurant which helps your kitchen and wait staff more efficiently. Remodeling your venue is periodically required and will have a positive impact on your business. When renewing a space, special considerations need to be accounted for such as wiring, water, parking, layout, lighting and many other factors. Keeping your restaurant up to date can be expensive thus forcing you to cut into your expenses. However, you can learn how to remodel a restaurant and remain within your budget with these following steps.

If and when restaurant renovation is necessary

Before you explore restaurant renovation ideas, you need to decide when you need to remodel. It’s all about timing. Creating a restaurant renovation checklist can help you prioritize your goals. But you don’t want to wait too long though. A facelift for your restaurant design and furniture every 5 to 7 years is recommended. When your venue needs to be remodeled, you are provided with ample options and can strategize which is non-negotiable and which you can do without. Whether you want to upgrade your restaurant’s color scheme, make flower arrangements, for your tables, or invest in the latest technology trends to further advance your business endeavors, establishing your goals with a budget plan is a serious business decision that only you can make.

Defining your restaurant’s personality

Suppose if your restaurant were a person. How would it talk, dress, and behave? Is the ambiance carefree and informal? Or is it refined and serious? Defining your venue’s personality can serve as a guidance for your decisions down to restaurant kitchen renovation, fabrics for your restaurant booths or a set of new restaurant chairs. Ultimately, the brand and design in both the facility and the furniture should reflect your restaurant’s personality.

Much how fame and the status of a celebrity is in proportion to his/her talents and personality, it is just as such with a restaurant's design and brand. Restaurants adopt brands they feel reflect on their business model. When your brand, commercial furniture, design resonate with your guests, they are more likely to become loyal customers. When you give your restaurant a charismatic personality, you have a better chance of achieving success in your business endeavors than restaurants who mimic marketing tactics of their competitors.

Tracking the latest trends

Designing your restaurant is an endeavor that entails creativity. Renovating your decor demands strong attention to details. If you are long overdue for a remodel, tweaking your location isn’t going to suffice. Revamping the entirety of your restaurant can present you with the opportunity to examine the latest industry trends and see which suites your business needs the best whilst standing out from competition. Novices often prefer to work closely with a professional designer, contractor and/or an architect for recommendations in a restaurant remodel. Depending on how big the project is and how much your budget will allow you to spend, hiring a restaurant designer may not be necessary. You can go along with restaurant design trends that you fancy just as long as you are able to keep your décor in line with your budget.

Considering Revenue Generating Investments

Expenses are unavoidable but don’t have to be astronomical. Bars and private dining rooms are remodeled the most as they are thought to boost customer satisfaction and by extension, sales. According to many bar owners and restaurateurs with a bar section, alcohol tends to have a better profit margin. Having a bar also changes the restaurant’s vibe and is seen as a great restaurant remodeling idea to attract a younger demographic. Introducing a new design can elevate your patron’s dining experience, making your establishment the center of activity – an investment that may pay off in the long run.

Pricing out Restaurant Kitchen Renovations Ideas

The total cost of fitting out a restaurant kitchen, including all the equipment like burners, refrigerators, ovens, freezers, dishwashers, and kitchen utensils can be huge budget line items. The Restaurant’s Owner survey puts the average cost of $75,000 with space and equipment combined! Buying second-hand equipment is a more affordable option but should be done with diligence. Sometimes doing so can involve spending a couple hundred dollars on a technician to evaluate the equipment before making a purchase. Leasing equipment is another option available to restaurateurs on a strict budget as it reduces upfront payment but might cost more in the long run. The leasing company, however, typically handles repairs when need to be made and also provides things like free detergent with a dishwasher.

Refreshing Stale Restaurant Brands

Much like bread and other perishables, restaurant brands go stale and become ineffective when left out for long periods of time. To entice customers, a restaurant brand needs to be fresh, original, creative, and relevant. Smartphone providers work tirelessly to come up with new technology to appeal to their tech-savvy customers. Business owners who think innovation is not pertinent to the restaurant industry are mistaken. The gap of consumers in the technology and restaurant industry is rapidly closing and innovation is more essential than ever. Technology can not only ensure the freshness of your brand but embellish it to make it more attractive.

In some cases, it’s better to start again than fix a brand that is damaged beyond repair. Change your brand name if you need to. Sometimes, it’s best to start from a clean slate with fresh ideas that was unrestrained by previous brand parameters. If you find the courage and inspiration to develop a unique brand name for your restaurant, you may not only attract guests, but investors, associates and journalists. Never hesitate to leave your comfort zone as doing so can potentially take you on a journey of success.

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