Upscale gun range in Lake Forest IL updates its seating layout for its restaurant with a set of new wood restaurant chairs, restaurant wood bar stools, and laminate restaurant tables supplied by
Upscale gun range in Lake Forest IL updates its seating layout for its restaurant with a set of new wood restaurant chairs, restaurant wood bar stools, and laminate restaurant tables supplied by
Most people walking into a gun range don’t expect the décor to resemble that of a high-end mall. But that is exactly what Northshore Sports Club looks like. Upon entry, there is a red Ferrari convertible with a price tag under $250,000 that is hard to miss. Surrounding the display are showcases filled with handguns and rifles. Apart from renting pistols, rifles and shotguns, the semi-private gun range which has opened back in May, also rents machine guns starting at $100 per hour of use in its tow target ranges. Owner, Xiaoda Zhang wanted to try to offer something unique to customers.
Located in Lake Forest at a small industrial park, this semi-private gun range is situated in a 20,000 square foot building that houses a member’s lounge, a small burger bistro that is open to the public, a full-service kitchen, a biometric secured locker room, and air conditioned shooting ranges. Customers are given special soap to remove lead residue from their hands after shooting. There is also a gunsmith available to repair and maintain guns. According to director of food & beverages Anthony Miniscalo, the main objective of Northshore Sports Club is to attract people who may not be completely familiar with firearms to be part of a club and want to network. Hence, the club is proudly a part of a growing fashionable trend of upscale gun ranges that are opening around the country.
Ranges like Northshore Sports Club – sometimes referred to as “gun-try clubs”, have become more popular over the decade. NorthShore is one of these many new facilities that have good lighting, efficient air conditioning systems, a retail operations and amenities such as a small bistro burger with an artisan menu offering appetizers, fresh game burgers, and drinks made of the highest quality ingredients. Northside is not just a place to shoot a few rounds but also be part of a family and network with other people with a variety of activities they offer. They don’t only want to sell you a product but also a good time. This range reports people coming in with their families or dates.
Gun range facilities have dramatically changed. Northshore Sports Club has been voted as being one of the most upscale ranges by customers. Besides service, decorative restaurant furniture is what it takes for Northshore to maintain its status. With the help of, Northside redesigned its bistro with a set of beechwood curved wood restaurant chairs, wood bar stools for their bar area and custom inlay laminate table tops pieced together with X prong cast iron table bases. is a one-stop-shop for commercial quality restaurant furniture. Available in different materials and styles, you are guaranteed to find the right seating solution for your business. Browse the rest of our restaurant furniture to learn more about our diverse selection and custom options.